
Legion of the dead dragon age
Legion of the dead dragon age

legion of the dead dragon age

To destroy the ships, all you need to do is make sure they're in the centre of your targeting area in the middle of the screen before you fire. Whilst weaving behind the asteroids, you should be able to spot a few of the ships appearing on your radar. Weave yourself in and out of the larger asteroids in the area as you can use these as shields to block incoming fire from The Legion. Doing this will get The Legion to split up which will make them easier for you to target.

legion of the dead dragon age

You can curently reading Legion of Super-Heroes (1984) 001 online with Free Online Comicbook Reader Enjoy reading Legion of Super-Heroes (1984) 001 in the best quality scans available on the internet. You can also use the keyboard arrow keys to navigate between pages. They will rapidly fire at you if you're caught in the middle of them all so the best thing to do is use the boost function on The Milano and speed yourself away from the centre of the battle area. You can click the image to go to the next page. There are 11 Lethal Legion ships for you to defeat, they may be small but the number of them can mean that they can cause a lot of damage to The Milano very quickly. However, the main thing you need to keep in mind is that you should avoid crashing into any of the asteroids in the battle otherwise you will destroy The Milano. The choice that you make when you are talking to Captain Glory will not make a difference to the outcome of the fight. You will need to defeat Captain Glory and The Lethal Legion in stages.

legion of the dead dragon age

How to Defeat Captain Glory and The Lethal Legion

Legion of the dead dragon age