Carefully make your way across the small platforms to reach the other side without falling, and be on the look out for any lingering lost souls. When you've got the chaingun, return to the main room and watch for the lost souls that are now pouring in the room through a new opening to the left. Head down the other hall and you'll grab a new chaingun. Head down the hall to the right and two imps will spawn in the area. An imp will spawn in front of you as you grab the chainsaw, but no other surprises await in the room. Shoot them down and then head into one of the narrow halls on the side of the room to grab a chainsaw. When the hellknight dies (takes about six shotgun blasts) a pair of cherubs will enter the room. Dodge to the side to avoid the enemy's shots and run up quickly to blast the enemy up close before retreating to dodge again. Head into the cave and you'll be confronted by a hellknight with nothing but your shotgun to save you. Pick up the shotgun shells scattered on the platform and then carefully move across the path ahead (there are holes you can drop through if you're not cautious). Before doing that, though, check for a last imp and a stash of ammo, health, and armor behind the still-standing wall on the platform.

When all imps are dead a wall will disappear, letting you continue forward. Make use of the open area to dodge their shots and clear the area. Stock up and then run forward, into the tall beam of green light to be teleported to a platform that's swarming with imps. You'll be stripped of all your gear, but there's luckily a shotgun and pistol to your right, along with some health and armor.